Jessie's Boxes
Limoges Porcelain Boxes

In the late 1700's Limoges porcelain boxes were revered by the royal families, aristocrats, and wealthy merchants. The fine Porcelain that comes from Limoges is evident of its high quality Kaolin clay. Jessie Mann imports white blank Limoges porcelain boxes then designs and paints them. The "Jessie Box" is then created. Jessie has spent the last 30 years perfecting her color palette, gathering colors from all corners of the world. Before each box is painted a detailed blueprint is drawn simulating color, goldwork, and inscriptions. After the blueprint is approved by the client, Jessie proceeds to paint the box. Between each coat of paint the box must be fired in a kiln. Jessie fires her boxes sometimes up to 15 times or more to maximize lush colors and fine detail.
The Limoges boxes come in many different sizes and shapes. The most popular box is the round, square or oval monogram box. Jessie uses an interlace script in 24 KT Gold for an elegant refined look. The boxes are embellished with 24KT gold gilding and French Raised enamels. Jessie also uses an 1800-century technique of agate burnishing.
English Enamel Boxes
English enamel boxes were the darling of the Georgian period in England. The charming boxes are not porcelain but have similar qualities. They are a copper base, which is dipped in Slurry a white enamel then fired. They are held together with a magnificent brass bezel. The English aristocracy and Prince Regent held these boxes in high esteem. The famous Beau Brummell had a vast collection of these boxes, often selecting a different one each day to accompany his extraordinary wardrobes. The boxes were used for snuff, beauty patches, locks of hair and, small jewelry. Jessie designs and paints on Fine Staffordshire boxes. Although similar in looks, the enamel boxes have a certain charm all their own, and also require slightly different painting techniques.
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